Fractions, decimals and percentages can all have the same values. In this class, students will gain a better understanding of fractions, decimals, percentages, what the term 'percent' means, and how to make conversions. Converting between fractions, decimals and percentages is a key skill needed to perform well in examinations and vital for success particularly found in the Foundation Level paper of GCSE.
Check these classes out next: Calculating the Mean from Frequency Tables, Using the Quadratic Formula, Enlargement, Histogram
Safeguarding reminder:The safety of your child is of the utmost importance. All of our classes are pre-recorded to remove any concerns around live participation. For reruns of our past live classes, students' webcams and microphones were disabled and only the chat history, if participation was requested, is visible.
This class is suitable for students in Years 7-11 or S1-S5 particularly those studying Maths at an Intermediate KS3 level.