Fractions, decimals and percentages are frequently used in daily life in shops, cars, sales and more! In this class, students will gain a better understanding of what a recurring decimal is and how it can be written as a fraction. Students will also gain experience proving how a recurring decimal can be written as a fraction so they feel prepared for their exams. This class is aimed at students in Years 8 - 11 and is a great resource for revising for exams.
Revise Your Maths More: Finding the Turning Point and Line of Symmetry, Nth Term of a Linear Sequence, Factorising Quadratic Equations
Safeguarding reminder:The safety of your child is of the utmost importance. All of our classes are pre-recorded to remove any concerns around live participation. For reruns of our past live classes, students' webcams and microphones were disabled and only the chat history, if participation was requested, is visible.